We are known as the “Blue Planet”. Water came to Earth some 4.6 billion years ago when icy comets from outer asteroid belts collided with her surface. Water makes up 71% of the Earth’s surface, but only 3.5 % of it is fresh, in the form of lakes, rivers and polar ice. A significant amount of water is also underground. Of all the freshwater on the planet, 20% is held in the Great Lakes of North America. Like many other water bodies around the world, the Great Lakes have been badly impacted by pollution, climate change, and invasive species.
Many cultures believe that women have a sacred connection to the spirit of water. Some also believe that the Great Lakes are Mother Earth’s third chakra, or solar plexus. As such, the Lakes are her source of will and power. A small group of women from different parts of the country have begun to pray together once a week for the Great Lakes. If you would like to learn more, or are interested in joining us, please contact lcaswell@phoenixfactory.org.
Below are links to the work of Masaru Emoto of Japan who demonstrated that water responds to our thoughts and emotions in his book The Hidden Messages in Water.
If you are interested in taking further action, the organizations of Water Protectors listed below are some of the most powerful in the United States, if not the world.
Honor the Earth - https://www.honorearth.org
Stop Line 3/5 - https://www.stopline3.org/line5
Standing Rock - https://standingrock.org